Friday, December 18, 2015


 Mental attitude is the key to surviving any situation, look at it as your first line of defense. Lets take a look at mental attitude. Self protection  is a life style so it must become a part of your everyday life starting with mental attitude.  
  1.  Always be alert, I don't mean paranoid bust simply aware. This will bring all of your senses into play. Be conscious of who and what's in your immediate space, what's behind you, escape routes and objects that can conceal an attacker. If you hear a sound quickly identify the direction from which it came and what caused the sound. Take notice if there is anyone paying to much attention to you. Trust your gut feelings (intuition). You must adapt a mental attitude  of awareness. 

2.  Any would be attacker is looking for an easy target, someone distracted and/ or a person he perceives as weak. Walk with confidence. Never walk with your head down and frequently scan the area for any potential threats. Remember 90% of all communication is non verbal and a confident mental attitude will show through your posture and aura making you the unlikely target.

3.  SURVIVE. You must have the mind set to survive at all cost. This attitude is akin to getting in touch with your animal side. You will unleash an array of attacks and verbal commands until the threat is eliminated or you are given the opportunity to escape. 

4.  Fear is a good thing, it will keep you alive but you mustn't become frozen with fear, those few seconds can cost you your life. Understand and embrace the fear and the physical affects it causes. Knowing what happens chemically and physically to us during a threat is the first step to mastering our fear.  When posed with a threat our body releases chemicals that ignites the flight or fight syndrome. You suddenly get butterfly's in your stomach, your knees get weak, your heart rate increases, your pupils dilate and you may even sweat, sounds scary. Don't worry your not dying its just adrenaline, your body is preparing itself to either fight or escape the threat. Embrace it, this reaction gives you strength, use it.

So remember self protection is a lifestyle. Share these tips with your friends and family.
                                          STRIKE-CREATE SPACE-ESCAPE

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