Tuesday, January 5, 2016

How do the basic human senses play a part in self protection?

How do the basic human senses play a part in early threat detection? All of your senses are to be utilized as information gathering tools. lets take a look at it how the senses play a major part of your self protection system.
  I remember training with one of my self defense instructors, we started out with a jog through the neighborhood. It was a very light jog just to get the heart pumping. Suddenly he said stop and then asked me what did I see. Of course I stumbled trying my best to remember what I have seen. I couldn't answer the question, he then went on to explain the importance of always being aware and to visually scan my sector to detect any possible threats or places that can conceal a threat. That was a very powerful lesson. Your sight is also valuable in detecting irregular behavior or detect bulky bulges in clothing that might conceal a weapon. You can use the same exercise explained above to sharpen your awareness and your memory. Being able to describe an assailant or a vehicle can be vital after a self defense confrontation.
Sound is another early warning system, we just need to be aware of them. Approaching foot steps, the creak of a door opening, rustling clothes, a dog barking and so on can serve as a early detection system by telling you what's happening around you. The most important thing is to recognize the sound, its direction of origin and what made the sound. You can train your hearing everyday while performing your daily routine by acknowledging all sounds and their origin then determine if it is a potential threat or not. Also when walking pay attention to the noises you make and how.
Yes, the sense of smell did make the list. In most cases of a fire the smell of smoke is usually noticed before we see the actual flames. Body odor, cologne, cigarette smoke or trash can also aid in telling you about the environment.
When we discuss touch we are speaking more to our intuition or feelings. That gut feeling that tells you something isn't right. That feeling that someone is staring at you and you turn around and sure enough someone is staring at you. Have the hairs on your neck or arm rise when someone gets to close and this person was not in your range of sight. By training your other senses you strengthen this one.

All of your senses are information gathering tools to educate you about your surroundings and help you identify any potential threats.

                                                       STRIKE-CREATE SPACE-ESCAPE

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