When we think of self-protection we have to analyze all threats that are present in our modern society. Kidnapping is a tactic used by street organizations, gangs, extortionists, robbers, rapist and is some times used as retaliation for a personal offense also keep in mind there is no common kidnapping scenario.
Kidnapping is a tactic used to secure either financial gain, information, sex, religious beliefs, revenge or political gain. Knowing the objective of your would be kidnapper can help you survive a kidnapping attempt.
The number one rule when dealing with a kidnapping attempt is to not allow yourself to be taken to a secondary location. You must fight. If your attacker is allowed to take you to another location it will reduce your chance of survival. He wants to have complete control in an environment of his choosing. Scream, bite, yell fire, yell bomb (anything but help), kick do whatever you can to create space so that you can escape to safety. Kidnapping has become very sophisticated, abductors tend to profile their victims based on their motivations. Now lets discuss some tips for prevention.
BE AWARE: Take preventative safety precautions utilize all of your awareness skills to give you the edge.
STRIKE HARD AND FAST: Fight as if your life is depending on it, because it does.
STAY IN THE NOW: The would-be abductor initially gains the upper hand on his victim because he has the element of surprise in his favor you must counter this by holding it together mentally so that you can respond effectively.
UTILIZE SELF PROTECTION TOOLS: Be prepared to resist, use mace (pepper spray), a steel extendable baton, or improvise weapon.
ESCAPE: Always look for escape routes. If you can get away, get to a safe public place and continue to scream for help.
USE OBSTACLES: If you can not be outrun your attacker, put something such as — a busy street, a group of people, place anything between you and the abductor.
ACT IRRATIONALLY: Yell to draw attention, use words like fire, I'm being kidnapped anything that might call attention to you.
CALL FOR HELP: If you can and if you have a cell phone, dial the emergency number or police.
FAKE IT 'TILL YOU MAKE IT: When you are weak fake strength when your strong fake weakness. You can make your attacker think they're as unsafe as possible in the attempt to discourage the attack. You can fake weakness to make your attacker think they have the upper hand to lower his guard so that you can either strike or execute your escape.
IF ALL FAILS: If your efforts to thwart the abduction are unsuccessful, there are a number of things you can do to help you survive your ordeal. Gather as much information as you can landmarks, smells, route, sounds, and so on all of this information can help you formulate an escape. If placed in the trunk of a vehicle, feel around most cars now are equipped with a release for the trunk from the inside. Kicking out the taillights to alert others who can call authorities.
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